There are two options to view a rejected RN
Open/Rejected Icon:
Step 1: Click on the "Open/Rejected Reports" Icon on your home screen.
Step 2: There is an option to search for a specific report by using the filters on the top of the page.
Step 3: Once the report populates, you will be able to click on the report number to view the rejected report.
Note: You can scroll over the question mark to see the rejected remarks
View Rejected reports via the "Analytics" button:
Step 1: Click on the "Analytics" icon in the second row.
Step 2: Upon clicking on the Analytics icon, scroll down and select "Reviewed Reports List."
Step 3: Change the status to Rejected and then you can locate the RN (Report Number) column on the left hand side.
Step 4: Click on the bolded RN number when it populates and look at the status of it. Hover over the status column and a yellow box will populate telling you the reasoning for the rejection.